
Monday, 29 April 2013

Matrubhoomi (Motherland) [Full movie: Watch with just 1click]

This is one another movie which assures you how amazing your life is. If you can breathe free, if you have at least one person you can count when in trouble.
But what about those poor souls who are brought up just to be sold to not one, not two but the five brothers in a household but ends up spending her first night with her father-in-law. Her father comes months later to a letter she writes complaining about the wrongs done to her, but her father comes back just to gobble more money. 
Imagine the woes of the only girl in a village full of lascivious, sex-hungry mob. 
And even after years and years of the trauma of having slept with the enemies, when she finally manages to flee, she is tied to the post and raped repeatedly. 
That is what fate has for the lone survivor of the milk-cauldrons. No body wants a girl child, she happens to bring ill-luck, bad-charms, financial woes and what not. 
In a country where marriage is still dominated by the groom's side and huge amounts of cash as dowry is paid, this village stands out to be different. Here the vice-versa happens, yet the girl doesn't rule. She becomes like one of those Japanese toys which is used and abused an then thrown at some corner or closet.

Watch this movie to appreciate the fact that life is beautiful and we are blessed to have it so. 

Also, watch it for some power-packed performances, where actors have drawn the brutal realities of this menacing society so well that you would eventually be convinced that it is happenning around you. 

Synopsis : Matrubhoomi: A Nation Without Women (Bhojpuri/Hindi: मातृभूमि, translation: Motherland) is a 2003 Indian film written and directed by Manish Jha. The film examines the impact of female foeticide and female infanticide on the gender balance, and consequently the stability and attitudes of society. Its storyline bears some resemblance to real-life instances of gender imbalance and economics resulting in fraternal polyandry and bride buying in some parts of India. [1] It depicts a future dystopia in an Indian village populated exclusively by males due to female infanticide over the years

Watch the full movie online here by just clicking on this tab below :-

The climax :-

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